Jewish Law - Articles
Jewish Law maintains an archive of articles concerning how Jewish law perceives
American law. The articles are listed below, by topic and title:
- Arbitration/Mediation
- Bankruptcy
- Beit Din
- Economics/Marketplace
- Ethics/Professional Ethics
- Family Law
- Litigation/Law
- "Outline Re: The Secular Enforceability of Bais Din Judgements"
Professor Steven H. Resnicoff - "Informing on Others for Violating American Law: A Jewish Law View"
by Rabbi Michael J. Broyde
- Ensuring Enforceabiliy of Beis Din's Judgements
Yechiel (Gene C.) Colman
- "Litigation in Secular Courts"
Rabbi Simcha Krauss
Journal of Halacha and Contemporary Society, Vol.
- "Suing Your Rabbi: Clergy Malpractice in Jewish
Rabbi Mark Dratch
Journal of Halacha and Contemporary Society, Vol.
- "Secular Law Enforcement of the Heter 'Iska"
Kenneth H. Ryesky, Esq.
Journal of Halacha and Contemporary Society, Vol.
- A Holocaust Survivor Who Saved Himself With His Brother's
by Rav Y.Y. Frankel
Reprinted with permission from "Crossroads: Halacha and the Modern World,
Vol. I," Published by Zomet Institute (Alon Shvut-Gush Etzion, Israel)
- "Secular Courts in the
State of Israel
Rav Yaacov Ariel, Rosh Yeshiva -- Yamit
Reprinted with permission from "Crossroads: Halacha and the Modern World,
Vol. II," Published by Zomet Institute (Alon Shvut-Gush Etzion, Israel)
- "The Polygraph in Jewish Law"
Prof. Eliav Shochetman
Reprinted with permission from "Crossroads: Halacha and the Modern World,
Vol. III," Published by Zomet Institute (Alon Shvut-Gush Etzion, Israel)
- Extradition
by Rav Shaul Yisraeli
Reprinted with permission from "Crossroads: Halacha and the Modern World,
Vol. III," Published by Zomet Institute (Alon Shvut-Gush Etzion, Israel)
- Extradition In Jewish Law
by Prof. Menachem Elon
Reprinted with permission from "Crossroads: Halacha and the Modern World,
Vol. III," Published by Zomet Institute (Alon Shvut-Gush Etzion, Israel)
- Marriage/Divorce
- Mediation/Arbitration
- Please see Arbitration/Mediation
- Medicine/Health
- Miscellaneous
- "Jews, Public Policy and Civil Rights: A Religious Jewish Perspective"
by Rabbi Michael Broyde, Esq. - ""So One May Live" -- Siamese Twins"
Unpublished Responsum by Rav Moshe Feinstein zt"l; translated and annotated by Rabbi Moshe Dovid Tendler - "The Obligation of Jews to Seek Observance of Noachide Laws by Gentiles: A Theoretical Review"
by Rabbi Michael J. Broyde - "Theft of Art During World War II: Its Legal and Ethical Consequences, The Jewish Perspective"
by Prof. Steven H. Resnicoff - "Understanding The Mitzvah of Hesped"
by Yitzchak Kasdan - "Ideal Occupations: The Talmudic Perspective"
by Hershey H. Friedman - "Placing a Stumbling Block Before the Blind Person: An In-Depth Analysis"
by Hershey H. Friedman, PhD - "The Simple Life: The Case Against Ostentation in Jewish Law"
by Hershey H. Friedman - "Improving Employer-Employee Relationships: A Biblical and Talmudic Perspective on Human Resource Management"
by Gordon Cohn, Ph.D. and Hershey H. Friedman, Ph.D. - "Stealing To Save Someone's Life"
Charles J. Harary - "Does Ariel Sharon Consult His Rabbi?"
How Israeli Responses To Terrorism Are Justified Under Jewish Law David Rosen - "Daat Torah (PDF)"
Rabbi Alfred S. Cohen Journal of Halacha and Contemporary Society, Vol. XLV - "Observations On And Beyond Rabbi Alfred Cohen's “Daat Torah”"
by Yitzchak Kasdan - "Simplicity, the blind borrower and neuroeconomics"
Roger J Lister MA (Oxford) PhD (Salford) FCA ATII Visiting Professor of Finance, Salford University, UK
- "Fighting the War and the Peace: Battlefield Ethics, Peace
Talks, Treaties, and Pacifism in the Jewish Tradition"
Michael J. Broyde, Esq.
- "Forming Religious Communities and Respecting Dissenter's
Rights: A Jewish Tradition Model for a Modern Society"
Michael J. Broyde, Esq.
- "The Desecration of Graves in Eretz Yisrael: The Struggle
to Honor the Dead and Preserve Our Historical Legacy"
Rabbi Yitzchok Breitowitz
- "Jewish Law and Modern Business Structures: The
Corporate Paradigm"
Michael J. Broyde & Steven H. Resnicoff
- English Source and Reference
Material for Various Halachic Issues Relating to Secular Law
Ira (Yitzchak) Kasdan, Esq.
- Rabbinic Counseling and Confidentiality
- Property Law
- Prisoner Rights
- School Vouchers
- Wills, Trusts & Estates