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The Return of Lost Property According to Jewish & Common Law: A Comparison
Rabbi Michael J. Broyde & Rabbi Michael Hecht

XIII. This Chart Compares Principles Used by Jewish, Common and New York Law in the Area of Lost Property

Legal system Issue Jewish Law Common Law New York Law
When does one become a finder? Seeing Possession Possession
Is there a distinction between lost and mislaid property? Yes Yes No
Is the finder a bailee? Yes Yes No
What type of bailee is the finder? Majority: for hire Minority: gratuitous Majority: gratuitous Minority: for hire Not applicable
Can the finder ever acquire title unless owner abandoned or relinquishes? No No Yes
Does the finder have title superior to all but owner? Yes Yes Not superior to police
Is finder entitled to a reward from loser? No No No
Is the finder entitled to expense reimbursement? Yes Yes Yes
Is the finder obligated to compensate true owner if item returned to person other than true owner? Yes Yes No if police err
Is there a salvage exception? Yes Yes Partially
Who is responsible for finding true owner? Finder Finder Police
Are there any extra-legal duties Yes No No
What happens to lost property whose owner never appears, but which was not abandoned? Finder can use it, but never gains title Finder can use it, but never gains title Finder gains title

Jewish law and common law provide very similar or identical answers to eleven of the thirteen questions posed, or an 84% overlap. Jewish law and New York law provide very similar or identical answers to two of the thirteen questions posed or an overlap of 16%. Common law and New York law provide very similar or identical answers to four of the thirteen questions posed, for an overlap of 32%. All three legal system provide very similar or identical answers to each other in two of the thirteen questions posed, for an overlap of 16%.

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