Rambam, Hilchos Sanhedrin, 26,7.
Some versions have it as
instead of
The Halacha applies to both. See note 6.
Shulchan Aruch, Choshen Mishpat siman 60, s'eif 1.
This is the [saying] of Shmuel in, among others,
Bava Kama 113 and Gittin 10.
For discussion of the parameters of Dina
Demalchusa Dina see article by Rabbi Herschel Schacter
- Journal of Halacha and Contemporary Society, Vol.
1, no. 1.
Bava M'Tziah 94a, Bava Kama 126, Tosefta
Kiddushin perek 3.
Sanhedrin 24.
Ramban (commentary on the Torah, Chevel ed.) 21, 1.
Beis Yosef, Choshen Mishpat siman 26.
Rama, Choshen Mishpat siman 369, seif 11.
Beis Yosef, Choshen Mishpat siman 26.
Shulchan Aruch, Choshen Mishpat siman 22 seif 2.
Shach, Choshen Mishpat siman 22, siman katan 15.
See the explanation of the Gra on Choshen
Mishpat siman 22, siman katan 15.
Quoted In Torah Shleimah by Rav Menachem Kasher,
Volume 17, pages 9-10.
Rambam, Hilchos Sanhedrin 26, 7. Shulchan Aruch,
Choshen Mishpat siman 26, seif 2.
Rosh, Bava Kama perek 8, siman 17.
See Kli Chemdah on Parashat Mishpatim pasuk 1.
25a. A negative command derived from a positive one.
The issur of Arkhaoth is not couched explicitly In negative
language, i.e. Thou shalt not ... It is implied In, and
derived from, the positive mitzvah of going only to Jewish
courts. The status of such a halacha is that of a "lav,"
a negative commandment.
Tshuvas HaRamban, siman 63 (Chevel ed.).
It is interesting to note that Ramban uses a
different source tor going to Arkhaoth when no other
recourse is available. He uses the Sugya in Bava Kama
276 - Avid Inish Dinah L'Nafshei - not the source used
by Rosh. Kli Chemdah - without alluding to this Ramban
- also contends that the Bava Kama 276 is a better source.
Rambam, Hilchos Sanhedrin 26,7.
Sheilos u'tshuvos Rama siman 52 (Zin ed.).
Shaar HaMishpat, Chosen Mishpat siman 26, siman
katan 1.
Rambam, Hilchos Eidus 1,1.
Mechilta D'Rabi Yishmael Mishpatim Parasha 1.
This is evidenced by the text in Bava Metzia 3la
that [Hebrew in original omitted] there are times when
one can look away from seeing an Aveidah - for example -
a Kohen in a cemetery or
See Noam vol. 9 - Article by Rav C.D. Kaplin.
See Mishne Halachot by Rav Menashe Kiein, vol. V.
See also Rav Ovadiah Yosef, "YeCchveh Daas" vol. IV #64 in footnote.
Sanhedrin 23a.
Id., [on the words] "b'archaos sheb'suryah."
For a powerful and eloquent statement of this
position see: Menachem Alon Hamishpat Haivri, and in
particular page 22, note 80 and page 121-122 note 174.
Cahzon Ish, Sanhedrin siman 16, siman katan 4.
Brought down in Beis Yosef, Choshen Mishpat siman 8.
See the quotes in section I of this article.
Rav Ovadiah Yosef In Yechave Daas, op.cit.,
quotes the opinion of Harav Herzog and Harav T.P. Frank
as holding too, that the secular courts in Israel are
Arkhaoth. For another interpretation, though, of Rav
Herzog's position see Alon, op.cit.
42a. See Meiri on Snahedrin 23a (Sofer ed.).
Alon op.cit.
Tosfos Gittin 36a (words beginning) "Maiecah."
Deuteronomy 28:14.
See L'Torah Ulmoadim, by Rav S.I. Zevin P' Vayishlach.
Midrash Tanchuma, Mishpatim, quoted by Torah Sheleimah, op.cit.