Law Review Articles
Jewish Law acknowledges the work of Binyamin Bernstein, a former student at Ner Israel
Rabbinical College, Baltimore, MD, in compiling this initial list of Law Review Articles
and Comments. Jewish Law also acknowleges the work of Daniel Yelenick for his additions to
this list. Please note that the Articles list is alphabetical by the author's last name.
- Abraham Abramovsky,
- First Amendment Rights of Jewish Prisoners: Kosher Food,
Skullcaps, and Beards, 21 Am. J. Crim. L. 241(1994).
- Ilene H. Barshay,
- The Implications of the Constitution's Religion Clauses on New
York Family Law, 40 How. L. J. 205 (1996).
- Thomas C. Berg,
- Slouching Towards Secularism: A Comment On Kiryas Joel School
District v. Grumet, 44 Emory L.J. 433 (1995).
- Mark A. Berman,
- Note, Kosher Fraud Statutes and the Establishment Clause: Are They
Kosher?, 26 Colum. J. L. & Soc. Probs. 1 (1992).
- David J. Bleich,
- Godtalk: Should Religion Inform Public Debate?, 29 Loy. L.A.
L. Rev. 1513 (1996).
- Lee Boothby,
- Prisoner Claims for Religious Freedom and State RFRAs, 32 U.C. Davis L. Rev. 573 (1999).
- David J. Bleich,
- Jewish Divorce: Judicial Misconceptions and Possible Means of Civil
Enforcement, 16 Conn.L. Rev. 201 (1984).
- Irving Breitowitz,
- The Plight Of The Agunah: A Study In Halacha, Contract, And The
First Amendment, 51 Md. L. Rev. 312 (1992).
- Michael J. Broyde & Steven H. Resnicoff,
- Jewish Law and Modern Business
Structures: The Corporate Paradigm, 43 Wayne Law Review, 1685, Fall 1997.
- Dena S. Davis,
- Method in Jewish Bioethics: An Overview, 20 J. Contemp. L. 325
- George W. Dent, Jr.,
- Religion And The Public Schools After Lee V. Weisman: Of God and
Caesar: The Free Exercise Rights of Public School Students, 43 Case W. Res. 707
- Ben Zion Eliash,
- To Leave Or Not To Leave: The Good Samaritan In Jewish Law, 38
St. Louis L.J. 619 (1994).
- Dean Howard A. Glickstein,
- Symposium On Religiously Affiliated Law Schools: A
Jewish-Sponsored Law School: Its Purposes And Challenges, 78 Marq. L. Rev. 481 (1995).
- Kent Greenawalt,
- The Religion Clauses Article: Religion as a Concept in Constituional
Law, 72 Calif. L. Rev. 753 (1984).
- Michelle Greenberg-Kobrin,
- Civil Enforcement of Religious Prenuptial Agreements,
32 Columbia Journal of Law and Social Problems 359 (Summer 1999).
- Jack Achiezer Guggenheim,
- KOA is A.O.K.: The Second Circuit's Recent Kosher Trademark
Decision Further Illustrates that the Patent and Trademark Office Must Answer to a Higher
Authority, Columbia Journal of Law and the Arts, Vol. 22, No. 2 (Winter 1998).
- James C. Harkins IV,
- Of Textbooks And Tenets: Mozert v. Hawkins County Board Of
Education And The Free Exercise Of Religion, 37 Am. U.L. Rev. 985 (1988).
- Isaac M. Jaroslawicz,
- How the Grinch Stole Chanukah, 21 Cardozo L. Rev. 707 (2000).
- Joseph C. Kaplan,
- Rabbinical Courts: Modern Day Solomons, 6 Columbia Journal of Law and Social Problems 48 (1970), NYLJ (July 21-23, 1970).
- Ronald S. Ladden,
- The Enforceability of Jewish Marriage Contracts in Civil Courts, 6
Am. J. Family L. 167 (1992).
- Professor Sam Levine,
- Playing God: An Essay on American Capital Punishment, 31 New Mexico Law
Review (forthcoming 2001)
- Capital Punishment and Religious Arguments: An Intermediate Approach, 9
William & Mary Bill of Rights Journal (forthcoming 2000)
- Teshuva: A Look at Repentance, Forgiveness, and Atonement in Jewish Law
and Philosophy and American Legal Thought, 27 Fordham Urban Law Journal
1677 (2000)
- Law, Ethics, and Religion in the Public Square: Principles of Restraint
and Withdrawal,83 Marquette Law Review 773 (2000)
- The Challenges of Religious Neutrality, 13 Journal of Law & Religion 531
(1998-99) (Review Essay)
- Teaching Jewish Law in American Law Schools: An Emerging Development in
Law and Religion,26 Fordham Urban Law Journal 1041 (1999)
- An Introduction to Legislation in Jewish Law, With References to the
American Legal System,29 Seton Hall Law Review 916 (1999)
- Further Reflections on the Role of Religion in Lawyering and in Life,11
Regent University Law Review 31 (1998-99)
- Halacha and Aggada: Translating Robert Cover's Nomos and Narrative,1998 Utah Law Review 465
- Unenumerated Constitutional Rights and Unenumerated Biblical
Obligations: A Preliminary Study in Comparative Hermeneutics, 15
Constitutional Commentary 511 (1998)
- Capital Punishment in Jewish Law and its Application to the American
Legal System: A Conceptual Overview,29 St. Mary's Law Journal 1037
- Introductory Note: Symposium on Lawyering and Personal Values-
Responses to the Problems of Ethical Schizophrenia,38 Catholic Lawyer
145 (1998)
- Religious Symbols and Religious Garb in the Courtroom: Personal
Values and Public Judgments, 66 Fordham Law Review 1505 (1998)
- Jewish Legal Theory and American Constitutional Theory: Some Comparisons
and Contrasts, 24 Hastings Constitutional Law Quarterly 441 (1997)
- Rethinking the Supreme Court's Hands-Off Approach to Questions of
Religious Practice and Belief,25 Fordham Urban Law Journal 85 (1997)
- Toward a Religious Minority Voice: A Look at Free Exercise Law Through a
Religious Minority Perspective, 5 William & Mary Bill of Rights Journal
153 (1996)
- The Broad Life of the Jewish Lawyer: Integrating Spirituality,
Scholarship and Profession,27 Texas Tech Law Review 1199 (1996)
- Amnon Linder,
- The Jews in the Legal Sources of the Early Middle Ages, Wayne St.
U. Press: Israel Acad. Of Sci. & Human. (1997).
- Karen Ruth Lavy Lindsay,
- Note, Can Kosher Fraud Statutes Pass the Lemon [Lemon v.
Kurtzman, 93 S. Ct. 1463 (1971)] Test?: The Constitutionality of Current and Proposed
Statutes, 23 U. Dayton L. Rev. 337, n.2 (1998).
- Lawrence C. Marshall,
- The Religion Clauses and Compelled Religious Divorces: A Study
in Marital and Constitutional Separations, 80 Nw. U.L. Rev. 204 (1986).
- Gerald F. Masoudi,
- Kosher Food Regulation and the Religion Clauses of the First
Amendment, 60 U. Chi, L. Rev. 667 (1993).
- Shelley R. Meacham,
- Note, Answering to a Higher Source: Does the Establishment
Clause Actually Restrict Kosher Regulations as Ran-Dav's County Kosher [Ran-Dav's County
Kosher v. State, 608 A.2d 1353 (N.J. 1992)] Proclaims?, 23 Sw. U.L. Rev. 639 (1994).
- Joshua Metzger,
- The Eruv: Can Government Constitutionally Permit Jews to Build a
Fictional Wall Without Breaking the Wall between Church and State, 4 Nat'l Jewish L.
Rev. 67 (1989).
- Martha Minow,
- The Constitution and the Subgroup Question, 71 Ind. L. J. 1
- Kristin Morgan,
- The Constitutionality Of New Jersey Kosher food Regulations Under The
Establishment Clause, 62 U. Cin. L. Rev. l247 (1993).
- Edward S. Nadel,
- Note, New York's Get Laws: a Constitutional Analysis, 27
Colum. J. L. & Soc. Probs. 55 (1993).
- William G. Ortner,
- Jews, African-Americans And The Crown Heights Riots: Applying
Matsuda's Proposal To Restrict Racist Speech, 73 B.U.L. Rev. 897 (1993).
- Daniel Pollack,
Pollack, D., Reiss, J., Sonshine, R., & Cavanaugh, K. (2000). Liability
for environmental damage: An American and Jewish legal
perspective. Temple Environmental and Technology Law Journal, 19(1), 77-118.
Pollack, D., Steinmetz, C., & Tellerman, A. (1998). Goodwin v. Turner: A
comparison of American and Jewish legal perspectives on procreation
rights of prisoners. Kentucky Law Journal, 86, 367-393.
Pollack, D., Steinmetz, C., & Lens, V. (1997). Anderson v. St.
Francis-St.George Hospital: Wrongful living from an American and Jewish
legal perspective. Cleveland State Law Review, 45(4), 621-637.
Bleich, M., & Pollack, D. (1997). Search and seizure in schools: A
comparison of historical Jewish legal sources and contemporary United
States law. Indiana International and Comparative Law Review, 7(2), 379-390).
Pollack, D., Harcsztark, N., McGrath, E., & Cavanaugh, K. (2000). The
capacity of a mentally retarded person to consent: An American and
Jewish legal perspective. New York Law School Journal of International
and Comparative Law, 20(2), 197-247.
Cavanaugh, K., Gold, Y., & Pollack, D. (2001). Termination of parental
rights due to mental incapacity: An American and Jewish legal
perspective. In D. Pollack (Ed.), Contrasts in American and Jewish
Law. New York: KTAV/Yeshiva University Press.
- Stephen Lewis Rabinowitz,
- Goldman v. Secretary Of Defense: Restricting The Religious
Rights Of Military Servicemembers, 34 Am. U.L. Rev. 881 (1985).
- Matthew Alan Reed,
- Transnational Non-judicial Divorces: a Comparative Analysis of
Recognition Under English and U.S. Jurisprudence, 18 Loy. L.A. Int'l & Comp. L.
J. 311 (1996).
- Steven H. Resnicoff,
- A Jewish Look at Lawyering Ethics, 15 Touro Law Review 73
(Fall 1998).
- Physician Assisted Suicide Under Jewish Law, 1 DePaul
Journal of Health Care Law 589 (1997).
- A Commercial Conundrum: Does Prudence Permit the Jewish
'Permissible Venture'?, Seton Hall Law Review 20:77 (1989).
- The Attorney-Client Relationship: A Jewish Law Perspective, 14 Notre Dame Journal of Law, Ethics and Public Policy 349 (2000).
- Theft of Art During World War II: Its Legal and Ethical Consequences The Jewish Perspective, X DePaul Journal of Art and Entertainment Law 67 (1999) .
- Laurie Reynolds,
- Zoning The Church: The Police Power Versus The First Amendment,
64 B.U.L. Rev. 767 (1984).
- Irene Merker Rosenberg, Yale L. Rosenberg, Bentzion S. Turin
- Murder by Gruma: Causation in Homocide Case Under Jewish Law, 80 B.U.L. Rev. 1017 (2000).
- Stephen F. Rosenthal,
- Food for Thought: Kosher Fraud Laws and the Religion Clauses
of the First Amendment, 65 Geo. Wash. L. Rev. 951 (1997).
- Howared S. Schwartz,
- Bioethical and Legal Considerations in Increasing the Supply of
Transplantable Organs: From UAGA to "Baby Fae", 10 Am. J. L. and Med. 397
- Judith A. Shapiro,
- The Shetar's Effect on English Law -- A Law of the Jews Becomes
the Law of the Land, 71 Geo. L.J. 1179 (1983).
- Kenneth Shuster,
- Halacha As A Model For American Penal Practice: A Comparison Of
Halachic And American Punishment Methods, 19 Nov L. rev. 965 (1995).
- Jodi M. Solovy,
- Note, Civil Enforcement of Jewish Marriage and Divorce:
Constitutional Accommodation of a Religious Mandate, 45 DePaul L. Rev. 493 (1996).
- Daniel J. Solve,
- Faith Profaned: The Religious Freedom Restoration act and Religion
in the Prisons, 106 Yale L. J. 459 (1996).
- Nomi Maya Stolzenberg,
- Community, Constitution, and Culture: the Case of the Jewish
Kehilah, 25 U. Mich. J. L. Reform 633 (1992).
- Suzanne Last Stone,
- In Pursuit Of The Counter-TEXT: The Turn To The Jewish Legal
Model In Contemporary American Legal Theory, 106 Harv. L. Rev. 813 (1993)
- Catherine Beth Sullivan,
- Are Kosher Food Laws Cosntitutionally Kosher?, 21 B. C.
Envtl. Aff. L. Rev 201 (1993).
- Bentzion S. Turin, Irene Merker Rosenberg, Yale L. Rosenberg
- Murder by Gruma: Causation in Homocide Case Under Jewish Law, 80 B.U.L. Rev. 1017 (2000).
- Lawrence M. Warmflash,
- The New York Approach To Enforcing Religious Marriage
Contracts: From Avitzur to The Get Statute, 50 Brooklyn L. Rev. 229 (1984).
- Phyllis Holman Weisbard,
- Basic Books And Periodicals On Jewish Law: A Guide For Law
Librarians, 82 Law Libr. J. 519 (1990).
- Michael G. Weisberg,
- Balancing Cultural Integrity Against Individual Liberty: Civil
Court Review of Ecclesiastical Judgments, 25 U.Mich.J.L.Ref. 955 (1992).
- Susan Metzger Weiss,
- Sign at Your Own Risk: The "RCA" Prenuptial May Prejudice the Fairness of Your Future Divorce Settlement, 6 Cardozo Women's Law Journal 1 (1999).
- Alison Wheeler,
- Recent Development: Separatist Religious Groups And The Establishment
Clause, 30 Harv. C.R.-C.L. L. Rev. 223 (1995) -- Board of Education of Kiryas Joel
Village School District v. Grumet, 114 S. Ct. 2481 (1984).
- Eric J. Zogry,
- Orthodox Jewish Prisoners and the Turner Effect, 56 La. L. Rev.
905 (1996).
- Lisa Zornberg,
- Beyond The Constitution: Is The New York Get Legislation Good Law?,
15 Pace L. Rev. l703 (1995).
COMMENTS (author's name not listed):
- Enforceability of Religious Law in Secular courts -- It's Kosher, But Is It
Constitutional? 71 Mich. L. Rev. 1641 (1973).