Books of Interest
Jewish Law maintains a list of books that may be of interest to our readers.
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Be fruitful and multiply: Fertility therapy and the Jewish tradition | Grazi, Richard V., MD | Medical | Genesis Jerusalem Press | 1994 | Astounding advances in the field of infertility have brought unmeasured happiness to infertile couples around the world. But for observant Jewish couples who require fertility therapy, these new technologies bring with them many new and difficult questions. Often, the demands of modern therapy are squarely at odds with the demands of halakha, a situation both confusing and frustrating to couples and their physicians. Because many of the questions posed by such therapy are novel and seemingly without precedent, rabbis who are asked to deal with these questions are often at a loss for advice. This book is addressed to a threefold audience: infertile couples, their physicians and their rabbis. For the rabbinic community, it explains the basics of reproductive physiology and how it is manipulated in order to overcome infertility. A summary of recent halakhic discussions relating to the new reproductive technologies is also included. For physicians who work with Orthodox infertile couples, the basic laws of family purity are explained, and ways in which fertility therapy can be modified to keep within those guidelines are presented. For both groups, the detailing of the special psychological and social problems faced by observant couples who are grappling with infertility will be enlightening. Most importantly, this book is intended for couples who live within the halakhic community and who are seeking therapy for infertility. Specifically, it suggests ways in which the medical and halakhic issues which they confront can be resolved successfully. This joining together of the physical and spiritual aspects of overcoming infertility will give such couples the guidance and hope they need in order to pursue their most cherished goal. porno
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