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Jewish Law - Halachic Forms

Jewish Law has compiled various legal forms which comply with the dictates of Halacha. These are freely available to be downloaded and filled out. Instructions describing the use of each form are included with each form. Please click on the FORM TYPE of your choice.

Note & Disclaimer: As with all Halachic and legal matters, the reader is advised to consult with competent Rabbinic authorities and one's own attorney. No reliance should be placed for definitive Halachic or legal purposes on any materials contained within this website, including the forms in this "Halachic Forms" section.

I. Halachic Living Will -- Prepared by Agudath Israel of America

For more information regarding living wills, see The "Halachic Health Care Proxy": An Insurance Policy With Unique Benefits by Chaim Dovid Zwiebel, Esq. Director of Government Affairs and General Counsel of Agudath Israel of America.

Register Your Halachic Living Will with the U.S. Living Will Registry:

Agudath Israel of America now recommends that everyone register their Halachic Living Wills with a national registry. Agudath Israel has made an arrangement with the New York Legal Assistance Group to register Halachic Living Wills for our constituents with the U.S. Living Will Registry at no charge. Please see the registry letter and complete the registry form as explained. This service is available to residents of all 50 states.

II. Heter Iska Forms -- Reprinted with permission of ArtScroll/Mesorah Publications, Ltd. from "The Laws of Ribbis: The Laws of Interest and their Application to Everyday Life and Business" by Rabbi Yisroel Reisman

III. Prenuptial and Postnuptial Agreement Forms

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